Thursday, 27 May 2010

Space Girl and Martian

Another large breasted space girl, this time with an HG Wells Martian carrying a heat ray gun. The space girl is a Fenryll resin model that I have had for some time but decided to improve the paint job with some layering. The Martian is a Space Vixens From Mars model. It is made of white metal so is too heavy for a Black Cat crystal base so I have mounted him on a larger resin base - with ruined Martian temple. Note the Martian mosaic floor.


  1. Hi John
    Very Seven of Nine (sorry my inner trekkie breaking through) Martian is funny too a 1950's B-movie Character perhaps

  2. Dear Shaun
    This is my pulp sci-fi 1950s collection. I am making 'Gray' saucers at the moment.

  3. At some point I'd love to go crazy and get a ton of pulp and pulp sci-fi figures. Parroom Station, Pulp Figures, Copplestone, etc. Martian Interventionists aiding the Russian Whites vs. the Bolshevik armored catepillar train, etc. And maybe even find people to play them with!

  4. Dear Sons
    I don't see why one cannot use 40K killteam rules to play with pulp figures. The rules work well and are very flexible.

  5. True. And I'm exaggerating, I know a few pulpophiles that would take me in.

    I also someday plan on a 40K pulp sci-fi army using Dark Eldar rules...

  6. Dear Sons
    That sounds interesting.
