Saturday 12 March 2011

Perverted Science

"Hitler knows that he will have to break us in this island or lose the war. If we can stand up to him, all Europe may be free and life of the world may move forward into broad, sunlit uplands. But if we fall, then the whole world, including the United States, including all that we have known and cared for, will sink into the abyss of a new Dark Age made more sinister, and perhaps more protracted, by the lights of perverted science. "

Winston Churchill


  1. Looks like me in the morning, especially the six-pack!

  2. Very nice job - that is a severe case of sunburn, poor puppy! (Ray - you should use more sunblock)

  3. Dear Ray
    We all believe you - except Lurker.

  4. I think my Britissh boys will have to deploy their secret weapons of stick bombs (thats right a bomb that looks like a stick)

  5. Dear Shaun
    Poke your eye out, sir?

  6. Hi John
    On a relared topic just been listening to a programme on radio 4 11.30 -12.00 am about the british publishing industries love of Nazi's and WW2 including all the fringe stuff occult, flying saucers etc and wait for it "Spoons of the Third Reich" might be worth a listen again its "Nazi Gold" hosted by Clive Anderson
