Tuesday, 31 January 2012


Hmmm, As a Cornishman I am delighted that CNN chose to label Cornwall, and get the location right, in a story about London but, guys, London isn't in Norfolk. No really, it's in southern England on the Thames Estuary, the bight just above the SE corner next to France. France is that bit...Oh never mind.


  1. Harsh but fair. Harsh but fair.

  2. p.s. Ambrose Bierce once said "war is god's way of teaching Americans Geography." One might argue that this is a sign of healthy and robust Anglo-American relations.

  3. And Cornwall's the capital of where? Devon? I hadn't realised it was smaller than London...

    The Daily Mail, CNN, Wikipedia and Forums...there's no real hope for us in the long run is there!!!


  4. I'm always getting Norwich and London confused lol.

  5. Hehe ... that is funny :)

    As an American I laugh at our horrible media, if only we had the BBC. Well, what am I saying its on our cable TV selection now so most of us watch as much BBC as anything anymore :)

  6. Wait... England? I thought that was Egypt. I'm tuning to Fox News for more accurate maps.
