Saturday, 7 November 2015

VBCW - Militant Wing of the Woman's Institute

The Woman's Institute in the village of Little Dimpling in the Wold has its own militia commanded by Brigadier Mrs Daut Paulker, wife of Colonel Daut-Paulker.

Here she is shown with an infantry section led by Mrs Jackson, the local publican's wife, who has acquired a Tommy Gun. Local Church Schoolteacher, Mrs Fotheringay has the Lewis gun with the librarian, Miss Peabody carrying the reloads.

Mrs Dault Paulkers's daughter Hetty is driving the Colonel's Crossley while her boyfriend, Sebastian 'Woofy' Winkerton who is just down from Oxford mans a Vickers that he borrowed from the University Combined Cadet Force.

This particular patrol was a response to the rumour that the Watt Tyler Brigade of Anarchist Agricultural Workers intended to raid the village and steal the Colonel's prize pig.

Models by Blind Beggar.


  1. Nice! What else needs be said?

  2. I hate to correct you...but...UOTC not CCF!

    H (hating myself!)

    1. Sorry, must have mixed Oxford with Eton. A understandable mistake. :)

    2. But Oxford had a comma not a Crossley!...I'll get me coat....

      H ;-)

  3. I say work cads wanting to steal the Colonel's prize pig, bounders the all of them especially forcing the lovely ladies of Little Dimpling in the Wold's WI to stop supporting there menfolk and making jam and picking up weapons to defend the Colonel the prize.

    Lovely work there John

    1. Typical unsporting behavious by the proles, what?

    2. Well you can never trust the lower classes especially when they are under the influence of those socialist types

    3. I blame the Grammar Schools. Educating the proletariat was never a good idea.

  4. Very nice, aren't most women militant?

    1. You may think that. As a married man with daughters, I couldn't possibly comment.
