Friday, 25 September 2009

300 quids worth of resin

Yup, this is what three tons worth of resin looks like.

Now all I have to do is make it.

It comes with an ownership certificate and the address of a good therapist,



  1. Do be sure to post pics of your progress. :)

  2. The defenders of Vraks best begin praying to their emperor quick like!

  3. Nice - I'd advise you magnetise the arms so you don't get stuck with the Vulcan Mega Bolter if they release the other guns in chaosy versions.

    Welcome to a hell made of tiny pistons! :)

  4. I am very envious, you lucky lucky man. You'd better get cracked on, we want pics ;-)

  5. You sir, are a very brave man. Best of luck to you!

  6. Yeah be extra glad you bought it straight from forgeworld and not off ebay. talk about hell of tiny toe pistons getting two partially assembled legs back apart. (as a tip though you can put it in the freezer overnight and most of the superglue will become brittle enough to simply shatter apart leaving the resin intact) If you sensibly use epoxy to assemble then you will never get it back apart.

    Good luck with it, I mine is an Imperial but I am working on large magnetised Chaos icons to be able to hot swap between games from good to evil!

  7. Impressive, like the others I'm jealous...and I second the WIP posts!

  8. Awesome stuff! Good luck with building it.

  9. Hey, John, you wouldnt mind showing a lot of pectuers of the legs when its done for me wounl you - its just im trying to scratchbuild a titan legion (2 warhounds, 2 reavers, 1 warlord and 1 imperator) and I have never understood how the warhound legs should look. Thanks!

  10. Dear Guys,
    I will certain post pics as i go along for your edification/amusement.

    Dear Sub: Pistons, bloody pistons. You have to cut them to size guys for the chosen pose, like cutting shortening a leg on a table to stop it wobbling :)
    The cold tip for shattering superglue is worth knowing.

    Dear nony: I will do my best to give you scale pics.

    watch this space guys,


  11. I look forward to seeing how those legs come out. Warhound legs can be a pain. While I've not built one of my own, I've helped a friend with his. Pistons indeed! Remember, better to cut too little off of one than too much.

  12. A TITAN!!! OMG;)

    One day I'll grab my own hands on one two;)


  13. Dear John
    super glue on standby; pistons what pistons you didn't say anything about pistons...

  14. There are around ten ankle pistons and ten hip pistons to build and fit,
