Saturday 21 April 2012

Salute 2012 - SF Games

Just back from Salute 2012, more reflections on the show later. These are a few of the SF games that caught my eye. The one above was the Treadaway & Dalimore game for the show.  Col White is escorting the President of the World from a meeting in Central London down the M4 to Heathrow Airport. But the Mysterons have sworn to kill him.

A fascinating game, players take the roles of Spectrum vehicles. Each turn a random player also controls Col. White and another also is the Mysterons. Whoever is the White player at the time wins if he gets off the board, similarly if the President is killed then whoever is the Mysteron player at the time wins.


  1. Gotta love that old Space:1999 Eagle. I must have built at least a couple some 30 years ago. Glad to see people run creative, off the beaten path games. I assume you enjoyed yourself ;)


  2. Dear Dear Dimitri
    I had an Eagle model as well.

  3. Was there as well, managed to pick up some forgeworld goodies. Hope you had a good time?

  4. Dear Silar
    It was well worth the visit. Got a few goodies.
