Friday, 2 March 2012

Daily Mail for all your Medical Advice

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There is a great site that monitors the Daily Wail Cancer reportage called Kill or Cure.

Here is a quick list of things that will strike you dead with cancer according to Lunchtime O'Booze and Glenda Slagg, fearless mail correspondents.

Alcohol, Asperin, Asbestos, Babies, Baby Bottles, Baby Food, Bacon, Barbecues, Beef, Being Born Black, Being Born Male, Being Born Southern (English), Benzene, Biscuits, Bisphenol, Black Cohosh,Bras, Bread, Breastfeeding, Breast Implants, Broken Hearts, Bubble Bath, Burgers, Caffeine, Calcium, Canned Food, Carbohydrates, Cars, Cayenne Pepper, Cereal, Cheese, Chicken, Children, Childlessness, Chilli, Chinese Medicine, Chips, Chlamydia, Chlorine, Cholesterol, Cities, Cleaning, Climate Change, Clomiphene, Cod Liver Oil, Coffee, Computers, Constipation, Contraceptives, Cooking, Cordless Phones, Cosmetics, Counterfeit Medicines, Crayons, Crispbread, Crisps, Cured Meat, Curry....

OK, I'm only up to C and I'm losing the will to live.

We are all doomed I tell you, doomed.


  1. Must admit I quite like the Mail... ;)

  2. And the miracle cure for Cancer - Don't buy the Daily Mail!

    Years ago (1993/4) I was commuting to London and used to buy the Mail up and the ES down (because the Broadsheets were too flappy and the Sun comic wouldn't last the journey!) and on one memorable occasion the medical section announced that coffee was good for you while the 'Feamail' section announced it was a sure way to catch the dreaded 'C' the same issue!

  3. Well it gives us something to talk about what is it that actually, finally, finishes you off. We none of us get out alive after all.....

  4. Really! You mean I'm not going to live forever? Who do I Sue...!

  5. The Daily Mail really is dangerous. People of reading this paper have a 100% death rate.... As statistics go this one is unquestionable, but that doesn't mean its telling us anything useful...which is why I don't buy ANY newspaper!

  6. You'll be pleased - I hope - to note that when one of my students parrots some hateful bilge or other from the popular press (or their parents) it's not unknown for me to bring this website up to show them just how rubbish it all is.

    They never cease to be amazed.

  7. The Cancer Epidemic of the 20th century has absolutly nothing to do with the multitude of energy wavelengths constantly being absorbed by our bodies(ie Radio,Television,Radar,Infrared,Ultraviolet) or the hundreds of cemicals put on our food so they are not eaten by bugs or so the Cow or Chicken can grow like a Vat clone in half the normal time.
    Yeah thats not the reason.
    Who wants to take bets the number one cancer of the 21 century will be brain tumors,as my cell phone is causing more interferance with my PC than an ECM pod

  8. At least Kiera is eating again. Praise be.

  9. Dear Monty
    It can be good for a laugh, :)

  10. Dear Maverick

    Oh yes, consistency is definitely for small minds on planet Mail.


  11. Dear Shaun
    I intend to live for ever,

  12. Dear Mav
    Well, you're not, but me.....

  13. Dear Lee
    Living is a dying business.

  14. Dear Drax
    Good stuff! Definitely part of the learning process.

  15. Dear Will

    I am a career research scientist in the life sciences.

    Cancer is a tricky matter as it is a result, rather than a cause - if you see what I mean. Anything (and nothing) can cause cancer. Some things definitely increase the probability of a cancer, certain chemicals, certain materials, electro-magnetic radiation, old age.

    Age is definitely a major component in the increase in cancer but whether it is the only component is difficult to test. There are suspicions about some components of modern life. For example Neanderthals don't seem to have our levels of cancer and Egyptian mummies on staastical like for like age comparisons seem to have fewer cancers - but that tells us nothing about cause.

    This is very complex stuff.


    We need a much greater understanding of molecular biology, and this branch of science is advancing rapidly at the moment.

    It is likely that there will be no cure for cancer as such but a variety of treatments depending on specifics.

  16. Dear Brian
    Yah, the news ain't all bad.
