Thursday 24 May 2012

40K Flyer Pics

You have probably seen these but in case you haven't: here dey are.

Loath as I am to shove more sheckels into GW's rapacious purse, I will probably buy some.



  1. That storm talon looks nice. I don't think I would add the assault cannons if i was gonna get one though it looks out of place imo

  2. Hi John
    re Stormtalons: Do you remember those Robogear flyers that Airfix made I did a few for my Imperial guard airborne unit as the flying equivalent of sentinels; well obviously these will be a much nicer model but you can see where they got the idea from.
    Of course everyone with a space ork army will want the dakkajets et al (knowing me probably 1 for each variant plus spares for my scratch built (next question where am I going to put them?))

  3. Dear Brummie
    I am not so keen on the SM planes but I do like the Ork stuff.

  4. Dear Shaun
    I still have some robogear kits :)

    RE: space. I've seen your flat. Potential Horder warning...

  5. It doesn't count as hoarding if you can still see some carpet
