Monday 18 June 2012

New GW Washes

   I had assumed the new Citadel washes were simply a name change by the marketing jerks but the new washes do actually seem to work better with less pooling as they dry. Look at the uniforms on these little polyethylene toy soldiers and the ammunition box shading.


  1. Looks nice! Which color wash did you use?

  2. Thats good to know! I've got a spread of paint including some GW paints well over 30 yrs on the go and still doing well! (like the hardly used 'Tentacle Pink')

  3. Dear Mike
    It's the dark brown wash: Earthshade or something like that.

  4. Dear Mike
    Yeah, I've still got a few of the old flip tops before the screw tops...

  5. On a slightly similar note went and bought some new Tamiya spray paint supplies I've spotted the change... there is an extra layer of wrapping with a Harmful hazard logo on it as well as the flamable one; so probably still full of lead, one further interesting point ( I might be exagerating a bit) when you take the wrapper off you lose the extra label so back to square one; still good paint

  6. Dear Shaun
    I bit o'lead never hurt anybody, (wipes foam from mouth and falls of stool).
