The siege of Vrak is a WWI game of mud and blood.
I continue to rebase my troops as per the advice of the Drunken Samurai in muddy brown.
Mortors are the local artillery for siege games so I have a battery of light and a battery of heavy mortors. The heavies still have their aquillae (aquillas?) on as they have only just been taken out of storage by the renegades and rushed to the trenches.
I also have a battery of lascannons that I have modified by placing on wheeled carriages. I wanted to get an archaic WWI look. The renegade weapons are from Imperial Storage and include 'obsolete' (how does that fit the fluff Forge World?) and second line equipment. The carriages are 1:35 scale Emhar WWI British field guns.
Finally, if anyone wonders what happened to the turret off the Atlas then yere 'tis. I fixed it on the top of a Void observation bunker. I wish that I had bought more of these when they were dumped on the market after Void went bust as they make marvelous turrets but, there it is.
The final pic is the turret in action, fighting off the great Wabbit-Daemon of Olde Englande