Sunday 27 September 2015

Warlord Games Army Painter Varnish

Warlord Games Dark Tone varnishes are a superb way of churning out acceptable painted models quickly.

The above photo shows six models painted identically in fast, bland colours - no shading, highlights or layering. But two of them have been treated with Dark Tone: can you tell which, children?

When you are churning out forty ranked axe-dwarfs for a regiment this is a Godsend.

I don't dip the models but paint the varnish on, thinning with white spirit as necessary. However careful you are the lid will clog up and so expect to throw away about half. The pigment sinks to the bottom of the varnish but can be lifted up by the brush. I use cheap children's paint brushes.


  1. John, I've been using Wilkinsons own brand water based woodstain. I'm pretty sure that the Warlord product is just regular woodstain in different tin sold for double the price. The water soluble version means it's a bit kinder to brushes and if (like me) you don't use enamels there's no need to dig out the white spirit. At less than a fiver for a tin that's twice the size of a Warlord one I'm not too bothered when I end up throwing some away as you describe.

  2. I have wondered about trying commercial woodstain. I suspect it is a question of finding the right one.

  3. Staining is certainly the way to go for turning out mass amounts of troops quickly. You can always go back later and do highlighting and other touching up - but usually, once they're based and ranked up it's not necessary.

    1. It depends how high your standards are. Mine are pretty low these days. :)

  4. So many gamers use standard DIY woodstain as it is the same product, but far, far cheaper than that sold by Army Painter et al.

  5. Nice tip john! Traffic must be up again... although I doubt this is the best site for soliciting American sport fans.... cue a string of replies to prove me wrong

    1. I've had to tighten security - Google + spambots are on the move.

  6. The Warlord stuff is actually Army Painter - it's not quite your regular varnish - the AP guys (Bo and Jonas) have put a lot of work into making it work the way they wanted. I must admit I preferred the GW shading washes - the last ones - but not so keen on the new version. Like all these things there's a technique to it - but you can get a fair result very quickly without much eye-strain:)

    1. I hadn't realised AP were an independent company. Love the varnish.
