Sunday 30 December 2012

Spectrum Is Green

To be a child in the sixties  was to have your imagination given wings by Gerry Anderson: Supercar, Fireball XL5, Stingray, Thunderbirds, and Captain Scarlet rolled out like a drumbeat from 1961 to 1968.

As a tribute, I painted Capt Scarlet, Lt Green and Lt Yellow. Models from Crooked Dice.

Gerry Anderson died on 26th December, 2012.


  1. A nice tribute with some fab figures.

  2. Nice models indeed.

    @Simon: wrong show, mate.
    That's Thunderbirds ;-)

  3. OK, sticking with supermarionation, though; what did F.A.B. stand for ?

  4. I vaguely remember Gerry Anderson being asked that. I think he said it stood for nothing. It was the cool word of the 60s (fabulous). The Beatles were the Fab Four.
