The Fokker
This is a new retooled kit of a Fokker E.III: E as in Eindecker or One-Wing.
The Fokker E Models were essentially copies of a 1913 French Morane-Saulnier Type H. They were not particularly great aircraft but in Summer, 1915, an E.I fitted with an MG synchronised to fire through the prop turned the E.I into a lethal killing machine.
Monoplanes were not an optimum choice in 1915 compared to biplanes. Available aero engines were only about 100HP. Monoplanes needed long wings to get any lift with such low power units which increased the structural rigidity problems greatly adding to weight and lowering power to weight ratio even further. Biplanes wings gave more lift for less weight at slow speeds due to their inherent box-like rigidity. The biplane had a great deal more drag than a monoplane but, with the low powered engines, speed was never an issue.
The E.III could work itself up to about 87 mph.
The Fodder
This is an RAF (not that RAF) BE2C fighter and is another excellent retooled Airfix kit.
The BE2 first flew in 1912 and was designed for observation and reconnaissance operations at a time when planes were unarmed. It was a very well designed stable plane with the chauffeur at the back. In fact it was so stable that it was almost impossible to carry out anything resembling an evasive manoeuvre. Up against an E.III it was dead meat: it couldn't run, it couldn't dodge, and it couldn't fight.
They did fit a machine gun for the observer but he was in the front of the plane, in the middle of the wings and struts with the pilot's head directly to the rear.
This model is the night fighter version designed in 1915. The observer's place has been taken out and replaced by a fuel tank. A Lewis gun has been added, operated by the pilot and firing vertically upwards. The upward firing gun, filled with explosive and incendiary ammunition, and the stable flight characteristics made the BE2 a perfect nightfighter. In 1916, Leefe Robinson shot down Zeppelin SL11 in one of these in Sept., 1916. BE2 nightfighters went on to take down five more Zeppelins in three months halting Germany's strategic bombing raids on Britain - but by January it was obsolete.
Nevertheless, the 90HP, 72 MPH BE2C nightfighter had its brief moment of glory.
Monday, 4 November 2019
Wednesday, 25 September 2019
Review Aeronautica Imperialis: Wings of Vengeance - 2 The Models
Fly Boyz
Inside the starter set are models for two factions. Lets start with the Orks. Inside the box are two Fighta-Bombas and three single seater Dakka Jets.
The models are easy to assemble unlike some of GW's recent offering. Details are astonishingly crisp with wing panels well delineated. The Dakka Jets, in particular come in modular form giving a huge potential variety between planes. There are also a variety of rockets, bombs and shootas to hang under the wings.
The photo is high res so do click on it and blow it up for a better look. I have exaggerated the contrast slightly with Paint Shop Pro.
I undercoated in light tan and then used Citadels Bright Red contrast paint (the runny stuff that collects in the hollows) for the topcoat, and Citadel Contrast Yellow Ochre or VJ Metallic Brass for wing panels, decoration etc. The Contrast Paint didn't make the panels stand out enough so I dribbled black wash along the lines.
These are enough planes for a decent evenings two hour game. Additional boxes can be bought off GW in squadrons of six Dakka Jets and Four Fighta-Bombas. That would give 15 models and is as much as you might ever want. I probably won't bother unless I split the models with a friend.
An additional Ork Eavy Bomba is on the way which I will buy as it will round out Deff Skwadron nicely - remember them?
Imperial Navy
The Imperial Navy's are the second faction, the starter set including two heavy Thunderbolt Fightas and two Marauder heavy bombers. Again the detailing is superb. Again the photo blows up if you click on it.
I undercoated the fighters with a Humbrol light grey spray can and liked the finish so much I decided to use it as a top coat. The engines are in metallic dark steel liberally coated with black wash, which I also ran into the panel lines.
The bomber are coated in Citadel Contrast mid blue-grey, again with the panel lines marked out in black wash.
As these are elite Imperial Navy squadrons I thought they would have squadron flashes on the wings and tail.
The high level of detail is continued on the undersides, even though you probably won't get to see them during play.
I am way too impatient to be a good painter - hey, I'm a wargamer not a modeller - so I did a quick minimalist job. Washes cover a multitude of sins. The models are so easy to paint that they look pretty good with very little effort.
Transfers are provided and I put a few on the Orky planes but I'm not a great fan. Somehow they never quite look right. The Ork planes in particular have very little in the way of flat surfaces.
GW commonly don't give scales on their models so I photographed a Marauder Destroyer against a 1/144 Lancaster and a 1/300 Canberra early jet bomber.
I would guestimate the AI models at somewhere around 1/200. They do apparently match the scale of the new Adeptis Titanicus game......stand by for a crossover.
The Marauder incidentally is the first of the add-on models released separately. Five factions are apparently waiting in the wings. Given the Rynn's World expansion book, I would guess that they are going to follow the campaign-in-a-box-with-models formula.....but I could be quite wrong about that.
I will probably buy one box of every release.
Highly recommended models.
Below are some photos of unpainted planes to give a better look at the raw plastic model.
Saturday, 21 September 2019
Review Aeronautica Imperialis: Wings of Vengeance - 1 Overview.

Wings of War
The story of Games Workshop's Aeronautica Imperialis game doesn't start with GW at all. It starts with an Italian game published in 2004 depicting World War I tactical air combat. Wings of War used an innovatory semi-board game mechanism where players chose hidden manoeuvres in advance which were revealed when a player moved a plane. The manoeuvres were depicted on the card and the player just moved his plane along whatever track was depicted, making such changes in facing as necessary. 'Extra' movement could be used in front and/or after the manoeuvre giving the player some flexibility.
Wings of War was taken up by Fantasy Flight and became a big success. They duly dropped it and it is now sold as Wings of Glory.

Aeronautica Imperialis
In 2007, Forge World published Aeronautica Imperialis, a 40K air game.
The mechanism of AI was a straight knock-off of Wings of Glory. You could move a bit, lay down a manoeuvre card and then possibly move again. The problem is that Wings of War was a pretty decent simulation of fragile wooden biplanes armed with light machine guns. An attempt to translate it into a WWII version was much less successful because WWII monoplane air warfare with cannon armed fighters was fought very differently. We will return to this point.

Aeronautica Imperialis: Wings of Vengeance
The first thing to notice is that the models in Wings of Vengeance are the wonderful plastic models. They are much bigger than the old Epic scale stuff from Forge World and are beautifully sculpted. I cannot speak too highly of them.
What is in the rest of the box though is not a game, but a taster for a game. The playing mat is too small, the rulebook is a cut down paperback version, and no playing cards are included - there are useful counters.
The game mechanism is virtually identical to Forge World's AI, and hence Wings of War except that the 'expensive to print' movement cards are gone and replaced by a sheet depicting available manoeuvres. To make this work, the game is played on a hex grid - hence the concern about the small size of the playing area in the box. As an aside, My friend, David S. claims that in some places in the cut and paste they have forgotten to turn cm into hexes.
Now this is a problem because what worked well as a simulation of fighting canvas biplanes with Lewis guns comes over as pretty damn odd when translated into supersonic jets. For example, although height is recorded in the game, ALL manoeuvres take place in the horizontal. After Polikarpov introduced the Rata in 1933 (until the rise of BVR missile combat, anyway) manoeuvring in the vertical has been way more important for tactical combat than the horizontal. The classic tactic from 1918 SE5a to MIGs in Vietnam is fast in, shoot, fast out: he who shoots and runs away, lives to get home for tea and medals.
And here is another strange example, or at least it seems strange to me. A plane in Wings of vengeance achieves its maximum safe speed in level flight. Diving to go faster risks structural damage. That seems more suited to canvas biplanes than jet planes. Also the weapons are strangely ineffectual. Modern missiles and cannon just smash planes out of the sky but Wings of Vengeance planes can survive multiple hits - well most of them, anyway.
Okay that's enough from me for now: more reviews on the models and a test game to follow.
So first impressions?
Great models, not sure about the game - but at around £50, it is worth buying just for the models. If you end up throwing the game away and just keep the planes, you still will have got value for money.
Saturday, 14 September 2019
Aeronautica Imperialis: Fighters
Dakka Jet Makes A Run On A Thunderbolt
Picked up a copy of AI at the weekend and have managed to paint up a couple of fighters.
Dakka Jet Rolling Out
The detail on these plains is fantastic. I would estimate the scale at around 1/200. This follows the current trend for bigger models: 1/200 planes rather than 1/300 - the scale of the old game.
Going In To A Vertical Scissors
The models are easy enough to assemble and the modular construction of the Dakka Jets allows a fair degree of uniqueness for each plane.
Painting is easy due to the sharp-edged nature of the panelling.
More on this to come.
Picked up a copy of AI at the weekend and have managed to paint up a couple of fighters.
Dakka Jet Rolling Out
The detail on these plains is fantastic. I would estimate the scale at around 1/200. This follows the current trend for bigger models: 1/200 planes rather than 1/300 - the scale of the old game.
Going In To A Vertical Scissors
The models are easy enough to assemble and the modular construction of the Dakka Jets allows a fair degree of uniqueness for each plane.
Painting is easy due to the sharp-edged nature of the panelling.
More on this to come.
Thursday, 29 August 2019
Betrayal At Calth
Word Bearers Legion
I keep wondering whether to sell my Betrayal at Calth boardgame as I have played all the scenarios.
And Yet the models are so nice. I used Tamiya metallic red spray for the Word Bearers. It is pricey but gives a deeper true red than any other acrylic on the market.
Ultramarine Legion
Sprayed with Tamiya metallic blue.
I keep wondering whether to sell my Betrayal at Calth boardgame as I have played all the scenarios.
And Yet the models are so nice. I used Tamiya metallic red spray for the Word Bearers. It is pricey but gives a deeper true red than any other acrylic on the market.
Ultramarine Legion
Sprayed with Tamiya metallic blue.
Thursday, 22 August 2019
Warlords of Erehwon - Hunt for the Golden Fleece
Jason and the Spelling Errors
Jason himself, four units of hoplites and, of course, an avatar of Athena. All you can cram into a Penteconter raiding party.
The hoplites are plastic, Victrix?, and Athena is a collectors' model from a Gods of Greece range.
King of Colchis
The King and his Bodyguard are Wargames Foundry metal models, the three units of men-from-the-earth are Warlord Games plastics, and the Hydra is from Reaper Bones.
Two cheap, simple armies of six units each that I can play around with and get a feel for the Erehwon system.
Hmmm, the name hasn't got anything to do with Sam Butler's Nowhere.....or Erewhon....would it, Rick?
Jason himself, four units of hoplites and, of course, an avatar of Athena. All you can cram into a Penteconter raiding party.
The hoplites are plastic, Victrix?, and Athena is a collectors' model from a Gods of Greece range.
King of Colchis
The King and his Bodyguard are Wargames Foundry metal models, the three units of men-from-the-earth are Warlord Games plastics, and the Hydra is from Reaper Bones.
Two cheap, simple armies of six units each that I can play around with and get a feel for the Erehwon system.
Hmmm, the name hasn't got anything to do with Sam Butler's Nowhere.....or Erewhon....would it, Rick?
Monday, 19 August 2019
Goblin Loonboss
I have a very old Goblin army I mostly bought in second hand pieces off eBay for a few quid that started as a Warhammer faction. Since then it morphed into a Kings of War faction, and now is being rebased for the second time as an Age of Sigmar fraction.
I have bought one or two new bits as they took my fancy and this is the most recent; da LoonBoss.
I mean who can resist.
Monday, 12 August 2019
One Hour Skirmish Wargames – SF Urban Dystopia
One Hour Skirmish Wargames – SF Urban Dystopia
John Lambshead
The Core Rule Book
The One Hour Skirmish Wargames (OHSW) fast play diceless
wargame rules are designed to be a toolkit to allow players to create
gun-orientated skirmish scenarios that can be played at ‘film speed’ because
the various probability ranges are subsumed into the game system. The effect of
this is to create a game with minimal mental arithmetic where players
concentrate on fire and movement, using just a simple army sheet in front of
them as a memory aide.
OHSW scenarios are specific to certain genres with their own
special rules, musket era, rifle era, etc. Here, I provide a new genre for the
game that is very popular among SF fans and wargamers (groups with a fair
overlap of members) – the SF Urban Dystopia.
IN OHSW, each genre is illustrated by a scenario, and I
continue to follow that pattern here. I have chosen to use Citadel models for
this example because they are inexpensive, easily available from Game Workshop
itself and many independent outlets world-wide, and because they are great
urban dystopian models. My Bright Lane Mob uses models from Citadel’s Goliath
Gang kit, and my Limehouse Collective mob uses models from Citadel’s Escher
Gang kit. These gangs are in the “Necromunda: Underhive” starter set so are
likely to be widespread among wargamers interested in dystopian SF games. The
models are built ‘straight from the box’ as they are shown on GW’s website and
box art.
Legal Note: ‘Necromunda’ and other names such as ‘Gangs of
House Goliath’ and ‘Gangs of House Escher’ are either ® or TM, and/or ©
Copyright Games Workshop Ltd, variably registered around the world. All Rights
Reserved. They are used without permission and no challenge to their status is
Londinium is an industrial city that expanded rapidly from a
small service-industry town due to rich finds of olueum in underlying
geological strata. Oleum is an organic soup of complex metalo-organic molecules
that provides cheap starting points for many chemical processes. Londinium
expanded rapidly with vast industrial plant built to mine and refine oleum –
and to service the needs of the itinerant workforce drawn into the city.
Unfortunately, the oleum beds are all but exhausted and the
large Consortia have moved out, leaving behind hectares of decaying industrial
infrastructure and those who for one reason or another have been unable to
emigrate. Wildcatting on a small scale is still possible. And various
unregistered operations process raw oleum into high-value chemical ‘substances’
that are worth a fortune in more civilised societies – all the more valuable
because they are completely illegal.
Although a City Authority nominally still exists, real power
at ground level in Londinium is held by the assorted street gangs who have
carved up the city into small territories, often based around a single street.
Skirmishing along the borders of gang territories for control is endemic as
gang fortunes wax and wane. Above the street gangs are the ‘Firms’ and their enforcers,
who control import and export into the city and own the municipal authorities –
such as they are.
Note: this happy set up is based on our fair town of London,
it’s gangsters, street gangs and the massive illegal drug trade.
All the rules in the original OHSW book stand unless
specifically modified.
Scenario 7 – Protection Racket
A group of wildcatters have discovered a forgotten
underground storage containing several decabarrels of unprocessed oleum that
must have been overlooked when the refinery was abandoned during the Londinium
mass riots. They bring one of the semi-derelict refineries on the site back
into use.
The local area, Dustville, was a completely depopulated zone
of largely burn out buildings and wrecked industrial machinery claimed by no
gang so the wildcatters assumed they could operate with impunity.
Unfortunately, nowhere in Londinium is completely unoccupied. There is always
the odd itinerant passing through for reasons known only to themselves so it
was not long before word leaked out to both the Limehouse Collective and the
Bright Lane Mob.
Both these street gangs had technically claimed Dustville
but it had never been worth fighting for: now it was. The objective is to
impress the Wildcatters that your gang can provide security and hence should be
paid the usual Protection Money.
The battlefield consists of a dense agglomerate of burnt out
buildings and industrial plant, leavened with discarded vehicles barrels and
spiced up by the odd uncrossable toxic dump. In the centre, place a large
container representing the reactivated refinery. The Limehouse Collective set
up within 6” of the southern map edge while the Bright Lane Mob set up within
6” of the northern map edge.
Game Length
The game lasts until an army breaks or is destroyed.
The objective of each gang is to impress upon the
wildcatters that they, and not their opponents, are best placed to protect the
vital refinery by keeping potential thieves and vandals away so players get
victory points for holding the refinery rather than destroying opponents.
Players get 1 victory point for every ganger within 6” of
the refinery at the end of each turn.
The player with the highest number of victory points at the
end of the game wins.
Limehouse Collective
The Collective are an all-girl street gang operating in the
rundown Limehouse region of Londinium. They have an agreement with the Canning
Cartel to supply the Firm with high grade narcotics from Limehouse
Motivation: 4
Special Rule: the Collective use chemical stimulants to
avoid fatigue – their movement rate is +2
Gang Leader
Sonata: tubro-carbine, electric whip, leadership (3)
Poppy: turbo-pistol, leadership (1)
Kalee: two pistols, ambidextrous, leadership (1)
Ash: flamethrower
3 X shooters with rifles
3 X fighters with pistols
Cost: 41 points
Turbo-Carbine: range 24 inches, 1 shot, AP(1)
A target in hard cover gets only 1 card for defence against
a turbo shot: this represents the shot smashing bits off the cover in a blast
of ‘shrapnel’.
Turbo-Pistol: range 6 inches, 1 shot AP(1)
A target in hard cover gets only 1 card for defence against
a turbo shot: this represents the shot smashing bits off the cover in a blast
of ‘shrapnel’.
Pistol: range 6 inches, 1 shot
Rifle: range infinite, 1 shot; range 12 inches 2 shots
Flamethrower: range 6”, automatic knockdown on target model
plus draw one card for every model within 3”, ignores cover – one card only for
Electro-Whip: (i) range 3 inches, automatic knockdown of
target, (ii) in close combat draw one extra card
Amidextrous: can fire both pistols together at the same target using only one action point.
Bright Lane Mob
An all-male street gang that hire themselves out as muscle to
such Firms as are willing to pay them. The Dustville Job is a step up for the
Bright Laners as they are trying to carve a little biz of their own.
Motivation 3
Special Rule: Bright Laners use heavy duty anabolic steroids:
the resulting extra muscle mainly allows them to carry and use weapons that are
too heavy for normal humans to employ comfortably such as (i) large two handed
close combat weapons (wrenches, hammers, axes - LCCW) used one handed and (ii)
pistols and carbines firing massive slugs so count as turbo weapons.
Gang Leader
Yellow Eye: Turbo Pistol, LCCW, Tough (1), Leadership (2)
Martini (up for a bust any time, any place, anywhere): Turbo
Pistol, Grenades, Tough (1) Leadership (2)
Smacker: AGL, LWCC, Tough (1), Leadership (1)
Shog: Industrial Stapler
3 X Shooters with Turbo Revolver Carbines
1 X Basher with Industrial Cutter
2 X Basher with Pistol and LCCW
1 X Basher with Two LCCW
Cost 41 points
Turbo-Pistol: range 6 inches, 1 shot AP(1)
A target in hard cover gets only 1 card for defence against
a turbo shot: this represents the shot smashing bits off the cover in a blast
of ‘shrapnel’.
Turbo Revolver Carbines range 18 inches, 1 shot, AP(1)
A target in hard cover gets only 1 card for defence against
a turbo shot: this represents the shot smashing bits off the cover in a blast
of ‘shrapnel’. Models within 3 inches are also attacked by ‘shrapnel’, draw one
card for the attack, one card for defence. Note that this effect only applies
if the original target was in cover and was knocked down.
AGL: range 24 inches, 2 shots, two cards per shot – ricochet
rules apply but only for the second shot, if appropriate.
Industrial Stapler: range 9 inches, one shot, ignores cover
Grenade: range 9 inches, one shot, blast radius 2 inches
LCCW: draw one extra card in close combat
Industrial Cutter: two extra resolution cards in close
Toughness: one extra card drawn when defending against a gun
or blast weapon (not the electrowhip)
New Weapon Notes
Guns can be projectile or energy shooting. It is a
distinction without a difference in game terms.
All fighters carry ‘shanks’ (blades) of some sort that are
simply factored into the close combat rules.
Turbo: some weapons are upgraded by the word ‘turbo’ to
indicate that they are heavy duty with Armour Piercing 1. Heavy duty in this
sense means that they fire an exceptionally strong burst of energy or a large
projectile that might be rocket assisted, discarding sabot dart, or otherwise
high velocity, and/or a shaped-charge exploding warhead. A target in hard cover
gets only 1 card for defence against a turbo shot: this represents the shot smashing
bits off the cover in a blast of ‘shrapnel’.
+1 point cost
Electro Whip: can be used as either a ranged weapon or a
close combat weapon.
+1 point cost
Large Close Combat Weapon: one extra resolution card in
Close Combat per LCCW.
+1 point cost
Industrial Cutter: two extra resolution cards in close
Plus 2 points
The Mob started by cautiously advancing through the industrial wasteland.
Limehouse Collective Snipers
The Mob were almost immediately picked up on the Wildcatters surveillance cameras and Collective snipers moved into position on the ruined gantries high over the refinery to make use of their rifles' long range.
The area around the refinery had been cleared so gave zero cover. I couldn't win a firefight at long range (or short range come to that) with the Collective so my tactics were for my assault gangers to close as fast as possible while my shooters moved into the open to blast the snipers off their perches.
I was relying on my gangers toughness to protect them in the open, the cover-blasting ability of my turbo-guns, and the close combat strength of my steroid-jacked lads.
Down he goes
This little vignette shows what went wrong with my strategy. Unfortunately, I had overlooked the high mobility of the girls. As my first ganger moved in clutching an industrial cutter Sonata dashed down the ladder, ran across the polluted concrete and smacked him down with her electro-whip.
And anuvver one
Things went from bad to worse as my next ganger moved in and promptly lost the combat against a slip of a girl with a knife.
A pattern emerged: Sonata knocked them down and then the girl with the knife cut their throats.
The End
Meanwhile, as predicted I lost the firefight and all my gangers legged it after Yellow Eye was knocked down by multiple laser blasts.
Shaun won by Four Points to One
Good Game and it actually took an hour.
Sunday, 28 July 2019
Venus, Mars & Hell
Venus, Mars & Hell
By John Lambshead & Eric Flint
My new book is out this month. It contains three previously published steampunk short stories. The two I wrote, Storming Hell and Storming Venus, were originally published in Universe magazine.
The blurb
The adventures of two young women in worlds very different from our own. Worlds in which the laws of nature have changed—but human behavior hasn’t. Worlds in which travel to the planets is much less dangerous than the people aboard the ships that make those voyages.
You can buy it direct from the publisher, Ring of Fire, or from Amazon and all good bookshops.
Available in dead tree or electron format.
By John Lambshead & Eric Flint
My new book is out this month. It contains three previously published steampunk short stories. The two I wrote, Storming Hell and Storming Venus, were originally published in Universe magazine.
The blurb
The adventures of two young women in worlds very different from our own. Worlds in which the laws of nature have changed—but human behavior hasn’t. Worlds in which travel to the planets is much less dangerous than the people aboard the ships that make those voyages.
You can buy it direct from the publisher, Ring of Fire, or from Amazon and all good bookshops.
Available in dead tree or electron format.
Wednesday, 1 May 2019
Oathsworn Miniatures: Wind in the Willows Band
Wind in the Willows Band - Ready To Free Toad Hall
Oathsworn Miniatures were new to me but my wife spotted their stand at Salute and was charmed by their anthropomorphic woodland animals.
Back home I ordered a set of figures with the aim of making a warband for Thud & Blunder.
The miniatures are not cheap to are beautifully sculpted with almost no flash or mould lines. The largest - Badger - is resin while the smaller models are metal.
Very easy models to paint, with lots of folds and sharp, well-delineated edges.
Mr Badger
Badger equips himself with a stout stick and a brace of pistols.
The Water Rat
Ratty has pulled out his old East India Merchant Marine uniform, with harness to carry a pistol and cutlass.
The Mole
Moley is still hopeful on appealing to the Stoats & Weasels better nature by reading them uplifting passages from The Good Book - but still carries a pistol and knife, just in case.
And then there's Otter who had also been a seafaring animal in his wilder days - but not in either the Royal Navy or the Merchant Marine.
Mr Toad
Toad's experiences with Motor Cars has caused him to eschew all modern conveniences. His latest enthusiasm is to imitate his ancient druid ancestors.
Oathsworn Miniatures were new to me but my wife spotted their stand at Salute and was charmed by their anthropomorphic woodland animals.
Back home I ordered a set of figures with the aim of making a warband for Thud & Blunder.
The miniatures are not cheap to are beautifully sculpted with almost no flash or mould lines. The largest - Badger - is resin while the smaller models are metal.
Very easy models to paint, with lots of folds and sharp, well-delineated edges.
Mr Badger
Badger equips himself with a stout stick and a brace of pistols.
The Water Rat
Ratty has pulled out his old East India Merchant Marine uniform, with harness to carry a pistol and cutlass.
The Mole
Moley is still hopeful on appealing to the Stoats & Weasels better nature by reading them uplifting passages from The Good Book - but still carries a pistol and knife, just in case.
And then there's Otter who had also been a seafaring animal in his wilder days - but not in either the Royal Navy or the Merchant Marine.
Mr Toad
Toad's experiences with Motor Cars has caused him to eschew all modern conveniences. His latest enthusiasm is to imitate his ancient druid ancestors.
Sunday, 17 March 2019
Cruel Seas: Italian Fleet
The Blue, Blue Mediterranean
Have just finished painting my Italian Fleet - that's fleet 3 if anyone is counting.
The Italians made beautiful ships: ships, cars, planes, suits, just about everything looks more stylish if it come out of Italy.
Night Falls
Keep a sharp look out for those damned Inglese in their Vespas (shurely shome mishtake? ed.) and Dog Boats, Lorenzo.
Great models; Highly Recommended.
Thursday, 14 March 2019
Review:Tumbling Dice Pe-Dreadnoughts
Scale Shot Against A 10p Coin of The Realm
Pre-Dreadnoughts have always fascinated me. They existed in a brief slice of historical time between the iron clads and true battleships when naval architects were still experimenting with how best to mate steam power, steel armoured ships and long range shell firing guns into the optimum package.
Unfortunately, sources of models are limited. I had even half convinced myself to buy the large 1:350 display models before sanity intervened.
Over at Cavalier, I happened to see a display of Tumbling Dice's Tsushima starter pack range of miniatures. I had previously rejected these because they seemed so small at 1:2400 scale but, on seeing them painted up in the, ah, pewter; well, they looked great.
And this from a person who declines to buy and paint any model smaller than 20mm owing to fading eyesight and unsure hands.
Pre-Dreadnoughts have always fascinated me. They existed in a brief slice of historical time between the iron clads and true battleships when naval architects were still experimenting with how best to mate steam power, steel armoured ships and long range shell firing guns into the optimum package.
Unfortunately, sources of models are limited. I had even half convinced myself to buy the large 1:350 display models before sanity intervened.
Over at Cavalier, I happened to see a display of Tumbling Dice's Tsushima starter pack range of miniatures. I had previously rejected these because they seemed so small at 1:2400 scale but, on seeing them painted up in the, ah, pewter; well, they looked great.
And this from a person who declines to buy and paint any model smaller than 20mm owing to fading eyesight and unsure hands.
The Doomed
The detail in these little ships is excellent. And they are beautifully sculpted and very hard edged making them dead easy to paint. They take washes and highlighting easily. There is absolutely no problem of distinguishing different classes of similar ships.
Togo's Tigers
Tiny little ships, like torpedo boats, come attached to sea bases. I am not sure whether I will bother to base their larger cousins. They look good as they are and, with a hard gloss varnish finish, should be reasonably robust to paint wear.
TD have many models in their 'Age of Battleships' range with even more planned.
I can see myself collecting all Paul Sulley's Pre-Dreadnoughts.
Highly Recommended.
Sunday, 10 March 2019
One Hour Skirmish - Colchester Club: Cross Of Iron MiniCampaign
The Cast
Steven from the Colchester Wargames Club sent me a report of a mini-campaign that they devised using my One Hour Skirmish Wargame Rules.
Movie fast action was what these rules were designed to recreate so the Colchester club were using my book exactly as intended. I think this group approach wargaming in exactly the right way - to whit having fun with your friends.
I reproduce The Colchester campaign report below pretty much as Steven sent it to me.
Simon played Steiner, Steve played Kruger and Neal had the rest. Steven himself commanded the peace loving Soviet forces.
The Colchester Wargames Club is an informal group that meet at: Stanway Village Hall, Villa Road, Stanway, Colchester CO3 0RH on every Friday evening 7-11pm.
Game 1 Opening Moves
Lt Meyer's Charmed Life
Steven from the Colchester Wargames Club sent me a report of a mini-campaign that they devised using my One Hour Skirmish Wargame Rules.
Movie fast action was what these rules were designed to recreate so the Colchester club were using my book exactly as intended. I think this group approach wargaming in exactly the right way - to whit having fun with your friends.
I reproduce The Colchester campaign report below pretty much as Steven sent it to me.
Simon played Steiner, Steve played Kruger and Neal had the rest. Steven himself commanded the peace loving Soviet forces.
The Colchester Wargames Club is an informal group that meet at: Stanway Village Hall, Villa Road, Stanway, Colchester CO3 0RH on every Friday evening 7-11pm.
Game 1 Opening Moves
Game 1 “Good
Recon platoon to destroy a mortar pit with 3x 82mm mortars
and a maxim MMG and their crews and a command bunker. To take out sentries, play as in close combat
but the attacker adds an extra card (so 3 vs 1) due to surprise. If the attack
succeeds, then it is a silent kill. If
unsuccessful, then sentry raises the alarm.
Germans, Motivation 4
Cpl Rolf Steiner,
MP40 SMG, Pistol, 2 x Grenades, Binos, Leader
3, Inspiring, Lucky
Kruger, Pistol
knife, 2x grenades, Fast, Scout, Bruiser
Cpl Schnobart, MP40 SMG, 2 x Grenades, Scout
Köne (bent ear) KAR 98 Rifle, Bayonet 2 x Grenades, Garotte, Bruiser
Axel/Kaiser (Blonde bloke), KAR98 Rifle, Bayonet, Radio, Scout
Schmidt, KAR 98 Rifle, Scope, 2 x Grenades. Dead Shot, Bruiser
Russians, Motivation
Sentry 1 - PPSh SMG
Sentry 2 - PPSh SMG
Sentry 3 – Rifle, Bayonet
Large Mortar Emplacement
3x 82 mm Mortars
Crew, 1 Pistol
Crew 2, Pistol
Crew 3, PPSh SMG
Crew 4, PPSh SMG
Command Emplacement
Officer, Pistol, Leader
Radio Operator, Pistol, Radio
Youngster, unarmed but blonde
Maxim Emplacement
Crew Served Weapon, Wheeled Maxim MMG, 2 x crew, 3 Shots
(facing away so has to move by pivoting before it can fire)
The Russians are all facing away from the German approach
through woods. They cannot make any actions until the alarm is raised by a
sentry winning a combat or by a German shooting or by a grenade explosion. The
mortars are firing, making enough noise to mask the German approach. The Germans may capture instead of killing a
young blonde Russian boy in the Command emplacement by beating him in close
Something Wrong With Our Grenades Today
Game 1 - Result
The Germans killed all 3 sentries silently but Kruger and
Steiner missed with their first grenades into the mortar emplacement - rather
embarrassing. The Command bunker copped
it from grenades but the young lad managed to survive. Rather worryingly, the Maxim MMG turned
around and was just lining up its three shots but Schmidt slotted one with his
telescopic sighted rifle and Cpl Schnobart got the other crewman before it
could fire. A second set of grenades
wiped out all 3 mortars and that was game over.
A German win with no casualties ("Good Kill") but
they were a bit miffed not to have the Russian boy as a captive - he legged it
off the board.
Game 2 “The Death
of Leutnant Meyer”. A defensive action against a large Russian assault. Action centred
on a tripod mounted MG34, with the Recon platoon and Lt Meyer at the centre of
the action. Capt Stranski runs around at the back, controlled by the Russian
player. Russians work as horde, so just
keep coming until a time limit is reached, when reinforcements arrive on 30
points as in the Zulu scenario in the One Hour Skirmish rulebook.
Germans, Motivation 4
Survivors of Game 1, any of which can substitute an MP 40 or
PPSh SMG for rifle, (Steiner gets a PPSh from game 1) plus:
Lt Meyer, MP 40 SMG, Pistol, Leader 2
Pte Dietz, KAR 98 Rifle, Bayonet 2 x Grenades (“They are
sending us babies now”)
Tripod MG 34 Crew – Crew served weapon, 3 shots
Cpl Schnobart counts as Dead Shot on MG34 if he joins the
crew after either are downed or killed.
Captain Stranski (“Heroic Horses Ass”), MP 40 SMG, Pistol, Leader -2, controlled by Russian player
using their action points, has a -2 morale effect when within 6 inches of the
Recon platoon (so he negates 2 of Steiner or Meyer’s leadership)
Trenches count as hard cover so +2 cards.
After checking Army Morale at the end of each turn, the
German player draws a card and notes the value.
Once this total has reached 30 the game is over as reinforcements arrive
from Battalion and Steiner is wounded by an explosion.
Russians, Motivation
Officer, Pistol, Binos, Leader
8 x Ivans PPSh SMG, 2 Grenades
8 x Ivans Rifle, Bayonet, 1 Grenade
1 DP LMG Crew Served Weapon, 2 Shots, can move but costs 2
Any Russians killed reappear at the tree line in the
following Russian turn
Random Events, large artillery shells, AP 5, 3” radius 3 cards
attack, 3-5” radius 1 card attack.
Centre of table, draw 3 cards, 1st card = clock face, next
two cards = distance from centre of table.
Lt Meyer's Charmed Life
The Russians suffered from consistently low action point
cards so never really got their attack going.
The Recon platoon deployed swiftly and started taking out lots of
Russians. There were a couple of close shaves from the random artillery and the
Russians shot up the tripod MG42 but, with Cpl Schnobart working it, the
Germans wasted Russians fast - just as in the film. Lt Meyer was never really threatened though,
other than by an artillery shell which he survived. Then the Russians turned an
ace on their morale check - with lots of casualties it was game over.
Again, no German casualties, Capt Stranski never really got
going due to the shortage of Russian action points.
Game 3 “Tank in
the Factory” Another Russian assault but focused on the T34/85 in the factory
part of the action.
Germans, Motivation 3
due to stress, casualties and Stranski’s influence in the absence of Steiner.
Survivors of Game 2 (excluding Capt Stranski and Lt Meyer if
they survived)
Option 1, add 3 x Teller mines to any Germans, close combat contact
placed, AP5
Option 2, add a Pak40 75mm gun, AP7, 3” radius or an IG18
75mm Infantry Gun, AP4, 3” radius.
Russians, Motivation
3 as they are now seriously on the attack
T34/85 Medium Tank,
Armour 4/2/1, 85mm Heavy Tank Gun AP7, 3” radius, coax and hull MG, arrives on
Russian turn 3
Commissar, Pistol, 2 x Grenades, Leader 2
4 x Ivans PPSh SMG, 2 x Grenades
4 x Ivans Rifle, Bayonet, 1 x Grenade
3 was quite a laugh as we used my 1/72 scale motorised T34/85, which actually
managed to climb into the factory on its second move under its battery power.
The Russian infantry were again too short of action points to get going fast
but on Turn 3 the tank rolled forward and started slaughteringthe tail end of
the Recon platoon. The Germans just managed to get the key people out of
the tunnel but Köne and Axel got wasted by the T34, both red card deaths at
the end of the turn.
The Victor
Overall Conclusion
Great fun, quite close to the film in Games 1 and 3 but in
Game 2 the Russians just kept turning over low action point cards: stuff like
this happens in real war and in some films though, so very enjoyable
evening. We used a mixture of 1/72
figures, by Pegasus, Italeri and Revell and lots of Amera and Bellona vac
formed terrain for an old school vintage feel.
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