Friday 5 October 2012


A gentleman playing chicken with the 140mph Javelin train at Gillingham, which fortunately is travelling much slower as it winds through the Medway Towns.

He was detained by the constabularly but not arrested. Aparently, they took him to the 'happy place' instead. Wise choice.


  1. Dear Steve
    Apparently, literally true. :)

  2. I wonder what it would cost to replace all level crossings, and what the value of that would be in saved time, reduced RSI from finger tapping etc.? Weren't things like level crossings supposed to be long gone by now, phased out around the year 2000 or so? Could this be the infrastructure programme we're looking for? As with all development of course, there would be a natural selection factor to consider.

  3. An idiot. But not all level crossings are safe. A friend of the family's died on one with her friend as the crossing was made through a normal gate with no lights.

  4. I live in Gillingham, and I can confirm there are a LOT of Idiots here. (Perhaps myself included).

    This is just evolution in action. Sooner or later this guy will meet a sticky end!

  5. Dear Clint
    I too live in the Gillingham borough.
