I escorted the mem'sahib to the Churchill Theatre in Bromley to see Wife after Death with Tom Conti (Shirly Valentine). I have to say it was excellent. The very funny script was written by Eric Chappell (Rising Damp) and the actors were superb. The mem'sahib bumped into Tom Conti when we left and got a smile and greeting, so she is in a good mood.
On the way home I picked up a copy of White Dwarf.
Spearhead can be played with Codex armies or by adding to/replacing conventional armies with 'Spearhead Formations' - more about them later.
Speahead games are played lengthways down the table. My first thought is that is likely to lead to a choked die-rolling slugfest with no room to manouvre, unless one (i) restricts points and, (ii) uses heavy terrain. Of course a slugfest is, I guess, the whole point.
In Spearhead all Troop, Tank, Walker, and Spearhead units are scoring.
There are three new Missions:
1. Breakthrough - one has to get troops into the opponent's table half to score VPs.
2. Lightning War (shouldn't that be Blitzkrieg?) - Control of three terrain 'objective counters' scores VPs. In addition, wrecked enemy superheavies (where did they come from?) are objectives.
3. Vital Ground - As above but with the addition of a vital objective worth triple VPs.
And three new Deployment Types:
1. Counter Attack - both sides start in arrow head formations nose-to-nose.
2. Cauldron - Players start on back lines 36" apart.
3. Escalation - Players start 18" apart.
Spearhead Formation Units are on the GW website but cunningly hidden so as to be almost impossible to find without the investigative skills of Sherlock Holmes, so I have added the page address here:
Note: You will get the 'national page' first, but click on your nationality choice and the system should drop you on the right page. There is a pdf to download.
Spearhead Units consist of:
1. Armoured Spearhead - Assault tanks with extra protection (5+ invulnerable save).
2. Ambush Spearhead - Camoflagues tanks or walkers that have the Infiltrate or Scout special rules (but may not start in Reserve).
3. Mechanised Assault Spearhead - Transport vehicles that can make an outflank attack on the first turn.
4. Tank Hunter Spearhead - Tank or walkers that have the tank hunter special rule.
5. Archeotech Spearhead - Tanks or walkers with S+1 weapons (that are unstable).
6. Outrider Spearhead - One vehicle can shield (take hits for) another.
7. Skyfall Spearhead - Deep-striking skimmers.
8. Monstrous Spearhead - Monsters with extra Special Rules (such as Fleet).
9. Mass Attack Spearhead - Human (or whatever) wave attack with anti-tank thermite bombs.
10. Cruiser Spearhead - Ramming tanks.
11. Seek & Destroy Spearhead - Bikes or fast skimmers that can turbo-boost AND shoot once.
13. Super-Heavy Spearhead - So that's where the super-heavies come from! Each one takes a penetrating hit before the game starts.
Apparently, more spearhead units are under development.
I have to say that I feel inspired by this supplement. There is a great deal of good stuff here - much more than in Cityfight or Planet Strike. I am puzzled, but delighted, that it is free.
Nice one GW.