I have run Google Analytics on this blog for about ten months. I just checked it to find that 29,997 unique visiters have been to the site.
Welcome to my strange alternative world of wargaming with toy soldiers: a game for boys from twelve years of age to one hundred and fifty and for that more intelligent sort of girl who likes boys' games and books (HG Wells, Little wars)
ReplyDeleteIt's amazing how many different people in the world take an interest into anoter person's hobbies. I know when I started my blog, I never would've dreamed it'd attract so many people.
I'm sure if you keep up the quality posts you're used to, the numbers will just keep climbing. :)
Dear W39999,
ReplyDeleteThanks, you're very generous.
It is suprising how many wargamers there are in the world.
The internet has expanded the community far beyond the bounds of anything that was possible prior to the net generation. We are but a small part of the living machine. And it helps when we have sweet models to share and little bits of info and pics.
BH Senior Editor
That probably won't be exactly correct as the IP addresses for regular visitors will change over the course of the year as their IP address is renewed (each time they login for mobile phones and dialup connections and up to once a month for DSL users). However, that being said it is still impressive.
ReplyDeleteDear Syxx
ReplyDeleteOne of the nice things about the wargaming people (cult?) is the good-humour and constructive attitude. People are out to help each other, not score points or troll - with a handfull of notable exceptions who stand out because they are so rare. It is a pleasure and privalage to be part of this dispersed hobby.
Dear Eltnot
ReplyDeleteYou notice I said 'visitor' (albeit spelt wrongly, sigh) not person.
I am still astonished though, how many of us there are. Perhaps we should consider a plot to take over the world. Does anyone know of an extinct volcano that we could hollow out and put a fake lake on top and build a spacecraft launch site and......
I think its time for my medication. :)
Oh No
ReplyDeleteweve been rumbled again all I wanted was a PhD in comparative anthropology its a good thing the mother/nueter/father ship is passing by soon or things could be tricky it'll be the 17th century all over again the pitchforks, the blazing torches, the ducking stools, not to mention the ropes and hot irons I said not to mention.....
Dear Shaun
ReplyDeleteYeeeeeeeees. Backs slowly away.
I whole heartedly agree with you on that. I was overcome by a desire to write something pragmatic that evening.